




1. 礼貌


2. 委婉

有些评审意见可能是错误的,也不要直接说you are worng,应该委婉一些表达意见,可以说「there seems to be a misunderstanding」。另外,可能在论文中的陈述方面存在问题,每个人的理解不一样,也会导致评审意见存在误差。因此,对于任何评审意见都要委婉。

3. 全面


第一步 整理



The paper is about [restatement of the abstract].

The main claimed contributions are:
1. X
2. Y
3. Z

However, I don't agree that X is novel.
I've seen it in [Foo, 1989].

Moreover, Y is trivial.

And, Z is simply incorrect by the [some argument].

In conclusion: strong reject.


The paper is a clever generalization of [Foo, 1989].

The main claimed contributions are:
1. X
2. Y
3. Z

But, I see the real contribution as W.

In conclusion: strong accept.


> -- Reviewer 1 --

> The paper is about [restatement of the abstract].

> The main claimed contributions are:
> 1. X
> 2. Y
> 3. Z

> However, I don't agree that X is novel.
> I've seen it in [Foo, 1989].

> Moreover, Y is trivial.

> And, Z is simply incorrect by the [some argument].

> In conclusion: strong reject.

> -- Reviewer 2 --

> The paper is a clever generalization of [Foo, 1989].
> The main claimed contributions are:
> 1. X
> 2. Y
> 3. Z

> But, I see the real contribution as W.

> In conclusion: strong accept.

第二步 逐个回答



> -- Reviewer 1 --

> The paper is about [restatement of the abstract].

The summary is accurate at a high-level,  but misses some key details like A, B and C.

> The main claimed contributions are:
> 1. X
> 2. Y
> 3. Z


> However, I don't agree that X is novel.
> I've seen it in [Foo, 1989].

While [Foo, 1989] does contain a method for doing X in specific cases, we have generalized the method for *all* cases. Consider the following case:
[motivating case]

This case is beyond the limits of [Foo, 1989], while it is in scope for our technique. This is the key distinction in our work, and we discussed this in more detail in the related work on page 11.

> Moreover, Y is trivial.

While we agree that Y is *simple* once the construction is seen, we argue that it is not *trivial* to create this construction in the first place. If Y were trivial, we might have expected earlier work such as [3] and [4] to use it, yet they did not.  Instead, they opted for a muc  more complicated partial solution.

> And, Z is simply incorrect by the [some argument].

It appears that there is a misunderstanding.  We realize now that our presentation obscured some important facets of Z. The reviewer seems to think that Z is Z', and we would agree that Z' is incorrect.

> In conclusion: strong reject.

We respectfully disagree.

> -- Reviewer 2 --

> The paper is a clever generalization of [Foo, 1989].

This is an accurate summary.

> The main claimed contributions are:
> 1. X
> 2. Y
> 3. Z

We concur.

> But, I see the real contribution as W.

We thank the reviewer for raising the point. We agree: W is a real contribution.

> In conclusion: strong accept.

We agree.

第三步 突出重点



> The paper is a clever generalization of [Foo, 1989].

This is an accurate summary.

> And, Z is simply incorrect by the [some argument].

It appears that there is a misunderstanding.  We realize now that our presentation obscured some important facets of Z. The reviewer seems to think that Z is Z', and we would agree that Z' is incorrect.

> However, I don't agree that X is novel.
> I've seen it in [Foo, 1989].

While [Foo, 1989] does contain a method for doing X in specific cases, we have generalized the method for *all* cases. Consider the following case:
[motivating case]

This case is beyond the limits of [Foo, 1989], while it is in scope for our technique. This is the key distinction in our work, and we discussed this in more detail in the related work on page 11.

> Moreover, Y is trivial.

While we agree that Y is *simple* once the construction is seen, we argue that it is not *trivial* to create this construction in the first place. If Y were trivial, we might have expected earlier work such as [3] and [4] to use it, yet they did not. Instead, they opted for a much more complicated partial solution.

> But, I see the real contribution as W.

We thank the reviewer for raising the point. We agree: W is a real contribution.

> The paper is about [restatement of the abstract].

The summary is accurate at a high-level,  but misses some key details like A, B and C.

> The main claimed contributions are:
> 1. X
> 2. Y
> 3. Z


> The main claimed contributions are:
> 1. X
> 2. Y
> 3. Z

We concur.

> In conclusion: strong accept.

We agree.

> In conclusion: strong reject.

We respectfully disagree.

第四步 精简



> The paper is a clever generalization of [Foo, 1989].

This is an accurate summary.

> And, Z is simply incorrect by the [some argument].

It appears that there is a misunderstanding.  We realize now that our presentation obscured some important facets of Z. The reviewer seems to think that Z is Z', and we would agree that Z' is incorrect.

> However, I don't agree that X is novel.
> I've seen it in [Foo, 1989].

While [Foo, 1989] does contain a method for doing X in specific cases, we have generalized the method for *all* cases. Consider the following case:
[motivating case]

This case is beyond the limits of [Foo, 1989], while it is in scope for our technique. This is the key distinction in our work, and we discussed this in more detail in the related work on page 11.

> Moreover, Y is trivial.

While we agree that Y is *simple* once the construction is seen, we argue that it is not *trivial* to create this construction in the first place. If Y were trivial, we might have expected earlier work such as [3] and [4] to use it, yet they did not. Instead, they opted for a much more complicated partial solution.

> But, I see the real contribution as W.

We thank the reviewer for raising the point. We agree: W is a real contribution.

> The paper is about [restatement of the abstract].

The summary is accurate at a high-level, but misses some key details like A, B and C.

第五步 润色


如果是会议投稿,注意把审稿者所写的关于论文最简炼准确的摘要放在回复的最前面。因为会议开始之前,很多人并未读过论文,也不大可能想通读一下整个回复。但是,他们可能会对回复的第一段瞟上一眼。把摘要放在前面可以让他们对整个论文有个大体的印象。另外,不要吝啬添加一下「thank you」之类的客气话。



We thank the reviewers for the time and expertise
they have invested in these reviews.

> The paper is a clever generalization of [Foo, 1989].

This is an accurate summary, and we'd like to amplify the recognition of W as an additional contribution of the work by reviewer 2.

We'll reply to individual points below:

> And, Z is simply incorrect by the [some argument].

It appears that there is a misunderstanding.  We realize now that our presentation obscured some important facets of Z. The reviewer seems to think that Z is Z', and we would agree that Z' is incorrect.

> However, I don't agree that X is novel.
> I've seen it in [Foo, 1989].

While [Foo, 1989] does contain a method for doing X in specific cases, we have generalized the method for *all* cases. Consider the following case:
[motivating case]

This case is beyond the limits of [Foo, 1989], while it is in scope for our technique. This is the key distinction in our work, and we discussed this in more detail in the related work on page 11.

> Moreover, Y is trivial.

While we agree that Y is *simple* once the construction is seen, we argue that it is not *trivial* to create this construction in the first place. If Y were trivial, we might have expected earlier work such as [3] and [4] to use it, yet they did not. Instead, they opted for a much more complicated partial solution.

> But, I see the real contribution as W.

We thank the reviewer for raising the point. We agree: W is a real contribution.

> The paper is about [restatement of the abstract].

The summary is accurate at a high-level, but misses some key details like A, B and C.

第六步 核对



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