
新英格兰杂志的图片病例报道有什么要求?新英格兰杂志The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)是世界影响因子第二高的杂志,除了变态的CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians以外,NEJM是在所有科学中影响因子最高的。

能在NEJM上发表一篇论文,可能是很多医学人的梦想。但是国人在NEJM上发表的文章少之又少。科研动力转载过北大医学部的如何准备在『新英格兰医学杂志』上发表论文一文,虽然看似用处不小,但是很多人做不到。但是NEJM有一个栏目叫Images in Clinical Medicine,还是比较容易中的。

看看Images in Clinical Medicine上的图片,大家觉着并没有什么稀奇的。可是稀奇的是有人却能发表!因此思维不一样,结果也不一样。大家在临床工作中,时刻保持一份警觉,没准你就能在NEJM上发表一篇图片病例报道。

不过,NEJM的Images in Clinical Medicine的投稿要求不太好找,虽然在NEJM的Author Center中有,但是隐藏的较深。科研动力本人就直接把Images in Clinical Medicine的要求扒过来,以备所需。

 新英格兰杂志的图片病例报道Images in Clinical Medicine投稿有什么要求|科研动力

Images in Clinical Medicine

Images in Clinical Medicine are classic images of common medical conditions. Images are an important part of much of what we do and learn in medicine. This feature is intended to capture the sense of visual discovery and variety that physicians experience. Images in Clinical Medicine are not intended as a vehicle for case reports. Please see specific instructions for Images in Clinical Medicine.


Images in Clinical Medicine are classic images of common medical conditions. Images are an important part of much of what we do and learn in medicine. This feature is intended to capture the sense of visual discovery and variety that physicians experience. Images in Clinical Medicine are not intended as a vehicle for case reports.


Original, high-quality images are considered for publication (subject to editing and abridgment) provided they do not contain material that has been submitted or published elsewhere. To submit an image for publication in theJournal, please follow the submission instructions below. At the discretion of the Editor, images may appear in the print version of the Journal, the electronic version, or both.



  • All text should be in one double-spaced electronic document.
  • Please include a title for your submission. The title should contain no more than eight words. No more than two authors may be listed.
  • Please provide the name, highest academic degree, address, e-mail address, telephone number, and fax number of each author.
  • The legend should contain no more than 150 words.


  • 文章行距为双倍行距。多说一句,很多人不在注意投稿杂志的要求,比如行距之类的小细节,认为无所谓。其实不然,主编一看可能就觉着不严谨。
  • 要有标题,且标题不能超过8个词。
  • 作者不能超过两位。每个作者需要提供姓名,最高学历,地址,E-Mail,电话和传真。
  • 文章内容不能超过150字。

You may either upload your figures separately or include figures in the text file. We prefer the former. For information regarding digital images and video submissions, please review the Technical Guidelines for Submission of Figures.


For figures, it is permissible to send low-resolution images for peer review, although we may ask for high-resolution files at a later stage. Please submit a high-resolution still image with any video submission.

Please include one version of the figure with appropriate labeling and arrows identifying structures and one without labels and arrows. Each original should include an arrow indicating the top of the image. Occasionally, ICMs have more than one panel. Please label them Panel A, Panel B, etc.

The legend to the image should succinctly present relevant clinical information, including a short description of the patient's history, relevant physical and laboratory findings, clinical course, response to treatment (if any), and condition at last follow-up. All labeled structures in the image should be described and explained in the legend. The legend should have callouts corresponding to each panel, if there is more than one.

You will need to log in to our submission system to submit an image. Once logged in, click on "Submit a New Manuscript" and follow the instructions at the top of each screen.


可以登陆新英格兰的投稿系统,选择「Submit a New Manuscript」,然后根据提示进行投稿即可。

If a photograph of an identifiable patient is used, the patient should complete and sign our Release Form for Photographs of Identifiable Patients. Any information that might identify the patient or hospital, including the date, should be removed from the image.

如果图片是患者图片,需要患者签署知情同意书,可以在此下载Release Form for Photographs of Identifiable Patients,表中的所有项目都要填写完整。

Technical Guidelines for Submission of Figures


This refers to images containing gradations of color or shades of gray (such as photomicrographs, electron micrographs, Western blots, radiographic images, and ECG and EEG tracings).

Send two electronic originals: one with appropriate labeling and arrows identifying structures and an indication of the top of the image and one clean copy of the image without labels and arrows.


The following formats are preferred for submission of digital files of photographic images:

  • EPS
  • TIFF
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • JPEG (use only the maximum quality compression setting)

Also acceptable but not preferred:

  • BMP
  • CT
  • PDF
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 98 and 2000

NOT acceptable:

  • Microsoft Word
  • GIF
  • iMovie (video)

图片的格式最好是EPS,TIFF,Adobe Photoshop,JPEG(这个需要最佳质量,即压缩最小的图片)。题外话:我们在照像时,最好是RAW格存储,这样图片损失的细节就少,图片质量最好,而且利于后期处理。除了上面几种格式的图片,也可以提交BMP,CT,PDF,PowerPoint等形式的图片,但是这几种形式不推荐。新英格兰不接受Word,GIF,iMovie形式的图片。

Guidelines for resolution of photographic images (raster graphics):266 dpi/ppi for color or grayscale photographic images.

Note: The file should be at 266 dpi when the width of the figure is 4 in.

Guidelines for color space:

We prefer electronic files in RGB, grayscale, or bitmap color modes.

Note: If you are unable to submit your photographic material using our online system, we can accept prints, up to 16 by 20 inches, transparencies (slides), or negatives suitable for scanning. Laser or low-quality inkjet prints printed on copier paper are NOT acceptable.

图片分辨率应为宽度为4英寸时分辨率为266 DPI/PPI (关于什么是DPI和PPI可以参考百度百科DPI百科PPI百科) 。图片的颜色模式推荐为RGB,grayscale或bitmap。如果无法通过在线投稿的方式提交图片,新英格兰也接受把图片以20英寸的格式打印出来,也接受照片底板。但是现在都数码时代了,这些形式可能不存在了吧。

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