野鸡出版商Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research

Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research是一个比较知名的免费提供全文的出版商,其旗下有三个期刊Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,Journal of Educational and Social Research和Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies。Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research本身就是一个野鸡出版商,其旗下的这三个杂志也是野鸡杂志

野鸡出版商Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research-科研动力

Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research

Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research的杂志并没的影响因子,所提供的所谓的「影响因子」是一个叫做「Global Impact Factor」的因子,该评价指标并不是可靠的评价期刊杂志质量的因子。

扩展阅读:除了影响因子 还有哪些指标可以评价论文的价值



例如其中的一个杂志Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences在Volume 4, Number 6 (2013) Special Issue-July 2013一期就发表了Darjel Sina的6篇文章。

  1. Albania’s Integration in EU / Darjel Sina, Arjan Vasjari
  2. Legal Innovations to the Strasbourg Court and the Decision Qama versus Albania / Darjel Sina, Arjan Vasjari
  3. The Right and Justice between What is Right and What is Useful/ Arjan Vasjari, Darjel Sina
  4. The Right of the Children to Know Their Origin in Adopting and Medically Assisted Reproduction / Juelda Lamçe, Enarda Çuni, D. Sina
  5. Family Reunification in Albania: A Comparative Study in the Context of Albanian Integration in the EU / Erjona Canaj, Arjan Vasjari, Darjel Sina
  6. Free Movement of Albanian Goods within the European Union: New Challenges in the Context of Integration / Erjona Canaj, Arjan Vasjari, Darjel Sina



野鸡出版商Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research-科研动力

另外一个账号是属于Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research出版商自己。

野鸡出版商Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research-科研动力

因此,Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research出版商本身就是一个野鸡出版商,其旗下的三个期刊Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,Journal of Educational and Social Research和Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies也是野鸡杂志。





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