

Editor-in-chief, Chief editor,  Lead editor, Top editor

Editor-in-chief, Chief editor, Executive editor, Lead editor, Top editor 一般对应中文的杂志的主编或者出版社的总编辑。

主编的职责在互动百科中解释的是这样的:主编是某种出版物 (包括丛书、辞书、报纸、期刊、学报、年鉴、文集、选集等) 编辑事务主持者的称谓。主编的工作按照出版物性质不同而有所不同。一般说来,确定该出版物的意图、拟订凡例、规定体例、撰写序言、安排编辑人员、确定编辑分工,乃至裁决出版物的封面、版式、装帧等,都属主编的职责范围。



Associate Editors

Associate Editors对应的副主编,这个不难理解的。

Executive editor

Executive editor 有时也等同于主编,如维基百科中这样说的:

The top editor at many publications may be known as the chief editor, executive editor, or simply the editor.

主编有时候也叫chief editor, executive editor,或者单纯的叫editor。

executive editor的职责因杂志和国家不同而不同,如

The duties of an executive editor can vary somewhat, depending on the exact needs of the media outlet that employs him or her. Executive editors at a magazine or online website, for example, are likely to oversee and work with writers and other editors to ensure that articles are complete and acceptable for their appropriate format. They may also end up writing some original content and working with various partners to ensure that they maintain an advantage over other outlets. The responsibilities of an executive editor at a book publisher, on the other hand, usually include managing other editors and working with writers to ensure a high-quality final product.

如果是杂志或者网站,executive editor和职责可能是监督,监督稿件的完整性和格式是否适合。他们有时也会写一些文章。如果是书籍,executive editor的职责常包括管理其他编辑,与作者沟通以保证高质量的书籍出版。有时候executive editor的职责就也是对应了执行编辑。

Managing editor, Assistant editor

Managing editor, Assistant editor一般对应的是副主编。

Department editor

Department editor 对应的是编辑部主任,统管编辑部的日常工作。

Commissioning editor, Acquisitions editor

Commissioning editor, Acquisitions editor 对应的是策划编辑,负责市场调研、版权接洽、团队沟通等。

Project editor

Project editor 对应的项目编辑,实际上应该是我们常说的执行编辑,或者相当于策划编辑的助手,更多负责流程上的事务。

Photo editor, picture editor

Photo editor, picture editor 对应的是图片编辑,负责图片的编辑工作。

Copy editor, Manuscript editor

Copy editor 和 Manuscript editor 对应的是文字编辑。负责文字的拼写,语法以及排版工作。

Production editor

Production editor 相应于国内的责任编辑。

Administrative editor

Administrative editor 总起来是监督出版内容,但又不实际参予编辑工作。这有时相应于国内的社长的工作性质了。

Coordination editor

Coordination editor 的主要职责是与编辑委员会的成员进行沟通,组织各种编辑部会议。统筹编辑任务,虽然可能有时会有一些变化,但是可以肯定的是其职责是与编辑合作进行,协调编辑的工作。

Development editor

Development editor 维基百科是这样说的:Development editor是出版前或者出版的过程中进行写作支持的一种编辑。有点像策划编辑的任务。

Section Editor

Section Editor的职责主要是查看和编辑稿件。Section Editor 是在稿件提交后,编辑会让Section Editor 再进行一下审查任务,或者在稿件接收后接管编辑任务。有时甚至需要Section Editor在稿件提交过程中全程跟踪稿件。

但是有人认为Section Editor是编辑部主任下属的某个选题领域的主管,对实际的工作而言可以对应为高级策划编辑。

Past Editors/ Past Associate Editors

Past Editors/ Past Associate Editors是以住的编辑,即现在已不在编辑岗位,或离职或退休。

Editorial Board

Editorial Board 指编委会。






Cochrane Community:http://community.cochrane.org/organisational-policy-manual/3287-co-ordinating-editor-job-description-and-expectations-role

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