

技巧1 不要重复同样的单词


We went on holiday to a ski resort. The resort was very beautiful with lots of things to do. The mountains were also beautiful, and, to be honest, there were also many beautiful people.


We went on a holiday to a ski resort. The resort was very beautiful with lots of things to do. The mountains were majestic, and, to be honest, there were also many glamourous people.

技巧2 不要重复同样的句式


1. The students studied hard as the test was sure to be difficult.
2. They reviewed the grammar in great detail due to the many exceptions.
3. Sentence structure was reviewed, for it was sure to be on the test.
4. As they had covered all the materials, the students were assured success.

在上面4句中,我们使用了「because」的4种不同描述方法。第1句和第4句使用了从属结构。注意从属子句可以打头,但是其后应该跟一个逗号。第2句使用了介词「due to」和名词短语,第3句使用了并列连词「for」。



Though we need to review the grammar, we decided to take the day off for some fun.
Mr. Smith hired a lawyer as he needed to defend himself in court.
We'll take car of the problem when John returns.



Just like our neighbors, we decided to put a new roof on our home.
The school decided to fire the teacher despite the students' protest.
As a result of poor attendance, we'll have to repeat chapter seven.



The weather was very cold, but we took a walk.
She needed some extra money for her vacation, so she found a part-time job.
The toy was broken, for the boy had thrown it against the wall.



The car was in need of repair. As a result, Peter took the car in to the repair shop.
It's very important to study grammar. However, knowing grammar doesn't necessarily mean you can speak the language well.
Let's hurry up and finish this report. Otherwise, we won't be able to work on the presentation.

技巧3 变换顺序和连接词


First, open the box. Next, take out the equipment. Next, insert the batteries. Next, turn the device on and begin work.


First, open the box. Next, take out the equipment. After that, insert the batteries. Finally, turn the device on and begin work.

这只是一个简短的例子,从这个例子句可以开拓思维。尽力每个段落之间使用不同的顺序或者连接词。如果一个段落中使用了「first, secondly, thirdly, finally」,在另一段中应该变换成「to begin with, next, after that」。

提高英文写作的3个技巧 3 Tips to Improve Writing in English

本文编译于3 Tips to Improve Writing in English,作者Kenneth Beare

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